Dealing with reality

How to Handle Reality When it Doesn’t Meet Your Expectations

Can you see other people through their own lens?

It is normal for people to dream about what a situation might be like, or to have expectations for how a person will act. For example, you may be sure that you are going to get that promotion at your work or fantasizing about the long, romantic conversation you and your partner will have on your anniversary. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work like this, and reality often fails to meet expectations. So, when that happens, how can you handle it effectively?

Think About Your Reaction

When reality—or another person—fails to meet your expectations, it’s normal to feel an initial wave of emotions, whether it’s disappointment, frustration, or sadness. While you may want to act immediately on these emotions, the best thing that you can do is to take some time to think about your emotions. Pause and reflect. Can you really hold people and all situations to your own expectations?

You can allow yourself to work on having more motivation and there are three things you can use from this blog that can help you to shift your motivations… Using these techniques will make sure your reactions are much more aligned with the outcomes you’d like.

Changing Your Expectations

Another thing that you should consider doing is changing your expectations, which may be very necessary when the reality vs. expectation dilemma involves someone you love. Dealing with expectations versus reality is one of the aspects to gaining a happier mindset and more overall freedom. One of the most liberating things you can do is learn to love yourself and stop manipulating situations when people do not respond the way that you want them to. Stop having expectations that are unrealistic or don’t match your situations. Instead, be willing to accept situations and life as it happens. You will be much happier.

If your expectations are unrealistic or don’t match your current circumstances, it’s time to let them go. Instead, practice acceptance—embrace life as it unfolds, with all its surprises. When you can do this, you’ll find more inner peace and joy in everyday moments.

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