Money isn't shameful

5 Mindset and Energetic Mistakes that Cost You Thousands of Dollars

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Our minds are the most powerful tools that we have. But when mental energy isn’t properly directed—and we don’t get in the right frame of mind for success—missed opportunities are had and mistakes are made. These errors can lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost revenue and hours’ worth of lost time.

The Five Mindset Mistakes 

There are five common mindset mistakes that people often make. These are:

  1. Allowing others to steal your vision and energy;
  2. Being overwhelmed by too many projects all at once;
  3. Continuing to work with an employee or contractor who is not productive and takes the greatest amount of your time;
  4. Refusing to delegate work out; and
  5. Not asking for more—or the right amount of—money.

When vision and purpose are interfered with, time, energy, and money are lost. The ability of someone to help you see and cleanse what you cannot is priceless. 

Get in a Clearer Frame of Mind

The more clarity that you experience mentally, the more evident your result will be. What’s more, the clearer your own energy field, the clearer your mind. As a result, optimal results naturally start to appear.

Ready to learn more?  

For the ultimate blend of:

  • entrepreneurial success,
  • energetic solutions,
  • and mindset know-how,

Sheevaun Moran can help you break free from the obstacles holding you back.

Here are a few extra tips…

  • Many times it’s too difficult to get relaxed because of our busy mind. As your mind goes over and over things and your worries become bigger and then you seem to have more worries. Your body and mind need rest so that you can have the life we often don’t allow yourself to have. Recovery comes about through relaxation. Vacations begin with the first few days trying to relax and just as you finally do relax it’s time to go home. Download this audio program is just like taking a relaxing bath or being on vacation.
  • It’s time to honor yourself and practice self-care by using the actionable steps outlined for you in The 12 Energetic Solutions for Personal Power. Each of the twelve solutions is designed to get you back into your success zone so you can scale your idea, business, or start-up.  The tools you learn will further up-level you to support your passions, desires, health, and well-being.

Avoiding common mindset and energetic mistakes is key to unlocking your full potential and achieving financial success. By gaining clarity, delegating tasks, and protecting your vision, you can eliminate obstacles that drain your energy and resources. Taking control of your mindset and energy will naturally lead to better results and increased revenue.

Ready to break free from limiting beliefs and step into your success zone? Explore The 12 Energetic Solutions for Personal Power and start leading from your heart today.


Learn to Lead From Your Heart Today!

More Epic Tools:

For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, and for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit HERE.

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Remember that energy is where the real you shine and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!



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