Spending time around someone whom you don’t like or with whom your own personality crashes can be hard to do. However, spending time around others – including those that aren’t your favorite – is often necessary and even good for you. If you are feeling tense around someone, here are a few ways to calm yourself when personalities crash:
1. Remind Yourself of Your Purpose
One of the best ways to calm yourself when you are in an uncomfortable or stressful situation is to remind yourself of your purpose for being there in the first place. Take a deep breath and tell yourself that regardless of this other person or their actions, you will focus on you and attain your goals.
2. Find Good
Another way to calm yourself when you are around a person with whom you don’t get along is to find good in that person. It is very easy to focus on a person’s negative aspects, but it’s much more difficult to focus on their positive ones. Focusing on a person’s positive traits can help you discover something new and very likable about them.
3. Don’t Assume You Know Everything
Another reason that we become frustrated with others is that we assume we know everything about their lives. For example: Marge snaps at you when you bump into her and she drops a stack of papers, and then makes a comment about how you need to watch where you’re going. While it may be easy to assume that Marge is just a mean and nasty person, you might not know that Marge’s partner recently filed for divorce and that she has a whole host of personal insecurities.
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