Being in a room full of people who have spent three days in the midst of a process emotionally is challenging enough.

Now…imagine that you walk in and are considered the enemy because you’re a foreign element added to their weekend. The shakeup is obvious in their looks and glances and piercing eyes.
They’re feeling threatened.
“Just because someone isn’t speaking out their discontent, for some who are highly sensitive, it’s actually worse than when someone speaks their malcontent. “
Those daggers are being thrown and tossed and lobbed (with eyes and energy alone, not words) and now they are landing. The body feels spent after such an experience and it often doesn’t make sense. It can be exhausting.
I recently had one of those experiences and it wasn’t pretty, no matter how lovingly I spoke or emoted. These people were on guard and nothing would shatter their supposed safe space. They verbally said they wanted a happiness hack but inside their safe brain matter, they didn’t want to learn a hack to feel happier or be more at peace. Most wanted to stay in their own tiny worlds of hurt and mistrust; this is a normal sensation because remaining in the same place is often comfortable. The ones who really wanted out of that had bright shiny eyes filled with gratitude and joy, and yet the others were dark with near hatred.
If you truly knew that those mental constructs that you lob and throw as bombs could hurt another, would you change your perspective and shift your energy?
Sticks and stones may break bones, but it is true that words are just as sharp as a sword and can do harm. The long-term harm of such energetics becomes obvious when there are a lot of outbursts of anger.
“Be kind in your mind and cut the cord,” I thought as I walked through the exit door.
It had been a long long while since being in such unfriendly territory and it’s a good reminder to choose where I spend my time and share words of transformation. This is a concept that you should apply to your own life as well.
Energy Can Also Injure
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