It’s possible you are fully happy and maybe it’s work or home or just life. When that’s happening decisions are a struggle, chaos becomes rampant and it takes everything you’ve got to get through the day.
Are you unhappy in your current position in life? Whether with your job, your personal relationships, or with your sense (or lack thereof) of purpose, being unhappy can be ruinous for your energy. If you are unhappy with your current state of affairs, do not just sit around waiting for something to change.
Identify the Source of Your Unhappiness
The first thing that must be done if you are unhappy is to identify the source of that unhappiness. This is, quite often, the hardest thing to do, and requires some serious self reflection.
Give Gratitude
Not some “just be grateful type of gratitude” but deep appreciation. This is where the gratitude juice really hits mach speed.
The next thing that you what do is to give gratitude for the thing that is making you unhappy. That may sound counterintuitive, but there is probably a reason to be grateful. For example, if you are unhappy with your job, you can be grateful that you have to opportunity to work; if you are unhappy with a relationship, you can be grateful for the opportunity to solve a challenge in your life.
Be Honest
Finally, be honest with yourself and the source of your unhappiness. Ask yourself if this is something you can continue doing, and if so, if you can find a way to work around the thing that is making you unhappy. If not, then find a solution that doesn’t leave you compromising your own wellbeing.
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Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!