Forming new habits

The Evolution Of Convenience In The Modern Age

Convenience to most of us is a product of the liberated and enlightened period in which we live.

We are spoiled by how easy it is to get our hands on things now without waiting long.

A movie or TV show is available at the flick of a button on Netflix. Products arrive at our doorstep through Amazon. Dates require a simple side-ways swipe to initiate.

Life is just convenient.

In fact, we are so used to it, we feel entitled to convenience.

Build your awareness.

Convenience Has Taught Us To Hate Waiting

Wait in a long queue at a ticket booth to observe how frustrated people get with long waiting times. We no longer have the patience to make small talk because our digital calendars are filled with things to do, places to see, people to meet.

And so we hate wasting time.

Is convenience a bad thing? Not necessarily. But when you start relying on it and expecting it, you also give yourself a shortcut and escape some of life’s important lessons.

It is convenient to break a marriage that is no longer working rather than putting in the effort to create love, intimacy, trust, and romance.

It is far easier to get your weekly grocery shopping shipped home than walk 15 minutes to the supermarket and expend physical energy.

But when this attitude bleeds into other areas of your life, your stress levels rise dramatically for mundane things that go wrong. We have stopped believing that things go wrong. We expect that the systems around us will always function with some fluctuation in precision.

How do you break out of the cycle?

Appreciate And Be Grateful For The Little Pleasures

You could start by teaching yourself to be grateful for what you have. When you take the emphasis away from what’s going wrong and instead focus on what’s going right, there is no space for frustration.

What are you grateful for today?


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Remember that energy is where the real you shiney and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!



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