The Discipline Of Action Leads To Consistent Success

Success is the difference between inaction and consistently being in action. 

When you start doing what you need to do, the process of fruitfulness begins.

When most people give up, successful people dig in and dig deeper.

The discipline of action will take you beyond your limitations. It takes you past your insecurities.

The problem is that most people want to create a lasting legacy without stepping out of their comfort zone. It’s only when you start acting consistently that you see the realization of your goals.

What do you need to start saying ‘no’ to?

Have The Discipline To Act Daily On Your Purpose

It takes discipline to act when you feel like resting, or reading a book, or watching TV. It takes discipline to focus on your work instead of reacting to the notification on your phone or to stop watching pointless videos on YouTube.

When you are disciplined, it is much easier to say no to the distractions and say yes to the work that needs to be done today.

Start small. And stick to simple actions until they become a habit. Then increase their complexity.

Sounds simple? It is. When you adopt a disciplined approach to this simple technique, you will notice how easy it is to achieve big goals with simple habits. 

So, what you are you waiting for? Get started with your work. Stop putting off important projects and stop making excuses to avoid the hurt of rejection and the pain of not succeeding.

Adopt the discipline of action and keep working. 

Sheevaun Moran is a business advisor, master coach, quantum energy thought leader and the founder of Energetic Solutions. She uses business principles with energetic techniques to help more than 25,000 entrepreneurs, CEOs and leaders bring instant focus and shifts to clarity, purpose, and profits.


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