Are you successful doing work you love? Or do you work in a job you hate because your
life is about SURVIVAL, not PASSION. To STOP LIVING SMALL takes courage. You’ll need to shake up the status quo, and go for what you want. In most businesses, you are at the whim of someone’s ego, and don’t get to voice your true opinion at work and must do what you’re told…unless you want to get fired.

But you – one of the many women with whom I work – are warriors, not slaves to other’s dreams. That’s why I LOVE WORKING WITH YOU!
If you’re a new entrepreneur, you’ll risk “failure”… But remember…even billionaire business owners “failed” until they succeeded.
Living small is as common today as it was in Thoreau’s time when he wrote:
“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation
and go to the grave with the song still in them.”
Essentially, Thoreau is saying: STOP LIVING SMALL but in a more eloquent way!
If you’ve lived small your whole life and don’t know where to start, here’s how:
- If you haven’t done so yet, it’s time to acknowledge your talent, the things you love to do, and the skills you’ve developed. Write about how you want your business to look, how much you want to make. See yourself in your ideal environment serving your ideal clients and looking at your six-figure bank account and smiling! Visualize it until it feels real and you feel happy. Meditate. Clear your mind and see if anything pops in your mind that you should do. This voice is your intuition. DON’T IGNORE IT even if it seems irrelevant. You don’t know where that action is going to lead but your higher self does. If you’re working full-time and can’t afford to give up your job, allocate time most evenings and at the weekend to take steps towards starting your business. Or take a part-time job that allows you to survive and takes the least amount of energy so you can focus on your business.
- Hire a coach who’s familiar with the field in which you’re already working or want to work. Investing in yourself and your dreams is the BEST INVESTMENT you can make. Spike Lee financed his first film with his credit card (though I’m not necessarily recommending this!)
- If you’ve built your business by word of mouth and are doing well, but are clueless about business, take some classes in business and basic accounting principles. Even if you end up hiring others to do this work, it’s best if you know something about what they’re doing.
- Google and read about successful business owners in your field and any setbacks they may have encountered. Contact them. Tell them you realize how busy they are and ask if they would be kind enough to spend 30 minutes on Zoom or the phone telling you about how they became successful and if they have any advice for you. Be charming. If they don’t seem interested, feed their ego, telling them how impressed you are by them. Cite something specific from your research. Tell them how it would mean the world to you. If that doesn’t work, cut the request to 20 minutes or 15 or even 10. If they agree, make sure you have your questions ready…the most important first in case you run out of time. Be effusive in your gratitude to them. Make them feel good about having spent their time giving you their pearls of wisdom.
- Stop wasting time, like watching Netflix night after night when you could be creating your dream or growing your business. Develop your website. If you’re not great at writing, hire a copywriter. Call or message your in-person and Facebook friends. Ask if they, or anyone they know, might be interested in your service. Tell them you’ll pay them $100 for any referral that leads to more than $500 in revenue (or whatever feels comfortable to you.)
- Finally, don’t give up even if the obstacles you face feel overwhelming. Remind yourself of the times you failed but, eventually were successful. It’s important to note: the bigger your goal, especially if achieving it will bring great rewards, the more challenging it may be to accomplish. When you feel discouraged, read and re-read these words:
Strength does not come from winning.
-Arnold Swarzenneger
Your struggles develop your strengths.
When you go through hardships and
decide not to surrender, that’s strength.
Don’t be one of the majority of people who go through their lives without tapping into their passion. Become that successful entrepreneur who can look back and help others who are in the situation you are right now! After all, what else do you have to do with the rest of your life?
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Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!