Your money and what you do around it with your fears, worries, anxieties, programs, and energy is sitting right there with you. Whether you are having financial problems or are in a high-income bracket, your money is a result of what is happening with you — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
If you are sitting in a Denny’s and having breakfast or sitting at the Ritz having tea you will attract that level of money to you. I wrote about this very subject in our humorous book about getting what you want without ever going shopping – Shotgun Shopping.
If you are the person in the room that everyone goes to for a connection or information then you’re not stretching yourself enough. By this, I mean that you want to be one of the ones that have one area of expertise but the others in the room have more expertise in many areas than you do.
Your conversation around money is such that you must work with the people who are truly making the money that you want to make. If you work with someone who earns less than you do then your energy is actually feeding them and helping them go to the next level.
When I first realized this is when someone wanted to coach me many years ago. I didn’t feel that their money energy was anywhere near where mine was. The guy was flustered as he seemed to have it all. Recently I met him and he now is after me to be his mentor/guide/teacher.
I also learned this in corporate and have brought it to my consulting where leaders who work with me achieve their dreams. Working with someone who has the energy level you want and who has the positivity that you desire will actualize your dreams more easily.
A recent client was filled with chaos energy around money, health, and relationship. Once we worked on how to be internally quiet she actually got a $100,000 raise.
Where you are with your inner quiet around success, deserving, happiness, self-esteem, etc. is where the money will be.
Where You Are Clarity is Where The Money Is!
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Remember that energy is where the real you shiney and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!