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What’s Stopping You From Sleeping Well and Restoring Your Energy?

Are you making choices throughout the day that help you get enough sleep during the night?

A recent article published by the founder of LifeHack offers insight into how the things that we do throughout the day can impact our sleep quality and prevent us from getting the quality rest and energy-replenishment that we need. As the article author reminds us, it’s more than just a good bedtime routine that impacts how well we sleep; it’s a series of conscious choices throughout the day. If you haven’t been sleeping well and have tried changing your habits without success, you may have overlooked the significance of morning and afternoon choices. Here are some tips for improving your sleep quality:

Commit to Waking Up at the Same Time Everyday

It can be really tempting to sleep in on the weekends, especially if you have been without adequate sleep throughout the week. The same can be said about pushing the snooze button – sometimes, you just can’t help yourself. But failing to wake up at the same time everyday disrupts your sleep cycle, and will make it harder for you to fall and stay asleep during the night.

Prioritize Your Health

Another mistake that people make is failing to think about how things like exposure to sunlight, exercise, and food choices affect their sleep. You need to expose your eyes and skin to sunlight every day; you need to eat well and avoid sugar or caffeine; and you need to exercise. All three of these things are critical for good sleep.

What things help you sleep or prevent you from sleep? What could you change?

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