In his famous poem, ‘If,’ Rudyard Kipling reminds us to take account of time:
“If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it…”
It is vitally important to measure how we spend our time and not to lose ourselves in events that lead to wasted opportunities.

Avoid Unnecessary Meetings
Corporate meetings are often a drain on the employees’ (and employer’s) time and attention. Instead of doing productive work, groups of employees are often forced to sit silently for countless hours every year while a small group debates outcomes for the company.
While it is important to bring your people together for a well-focused and productive meeting, it is unnecessary to demand their presence when it is not required.
Organize your meetings with a clear agenda, time limit and guidelines to involve every participant in the room.
Reduce The Need For Reports
The creation and compilation of reports soak up an inordinate amount of the average employee’s time.
Avoid draining the productive work hours of your teams and insist on minimal reporting. Allow them to work with more freedom and empower them to make simple decisions on their own.
Ask for concise and brief reports so that your teams are not wasting time writing elaborate and well-drafted reports. Instead, train them to focus on information that is relevant and crucial. Allow the experts in your team to do their job instead of micro-managing and wanting to know details of their projects.
The result will be a more streamlined work process which will free you and your employees.
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Remember that energy is where the real you shiney and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!