Imagination is a powerful tool.
It is not an escape from reality. It adds to the richness and depth of our daily existence.
When you hear people around you talk about the dangers of modern society, how do you feel? Reluctant to take risks in these uncertain times? Unwilling to dream of a better tomorrow?
The easiest way to turn that around is to imagine a better world.
When you can imagine a different outcome to the current state of affairs, you are more likely to act in accordance with this imagination.
The Power Of Imagining A Better Future
We often confuse imagining with analyzing. They are two separate entities.
Imagination is not analytical. It is not an instrument to measure or make strategies. No, imagination is open, curious, delightful and shocking.
But most of all, it is inspiring.
There are no limits to your imagination. You are less inspired to make changes to your reality if you cannot imagine that things could be better. When you begin with imagination, it is easier to follow-up with actions.
What are you imagining about today? What changes are you preventing in your life because you have not allowed yourself to visualize success?
You cannot change the world unless you are first able to change your internal world. And it takes imagination to inspire these internal changes.
To turn on your imagination engines requires times, space, and habitual practice.
Are you ready to switch on this powerful tool and start imagining a better future for yourself and your loved ones today?
Sheevaun Moran is a business advisor, master coach, quantum energy thought leader and the founder of Energetic Solutions. She uses business principles with energetic techniques to help more than 25,000 entrepreneurs, CEOs and leaders bring instant focus and shifts to clarity, purpose, and profits.
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Remember that energy is where the real you shiney and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!