Category: Case Study

From Brink of Collapse to $150 Million Success: A Transformative Journey

From the brink of collapse to a $150 million success story, discover how energy work and strategic guidance turned a struggling business and personal…

Master Your Energy, Master Your Fortune

Discover the transformative power of positive energy and spiritual healing. In this blog, we explore practical tools for personal development, from meditation techniques to…

How to Cut the Cords to Negative Energy

I’ve done the biggest thing; closed a huge deal, expanded my business, and landed the promotion that I’ve always wanted- so, why do I…

Getting Beyond Crisis

Today’s topic is really important, it’s about how you might create from crisis to crisis to crisis. Something that happens when we feel pain…

Be Agile In Your Business And Personal Learning

With around 9,000 stores, Blockbuster used to be the largest video retail chain in the U.S. That was until Netflix started delivering video service…

How To Transition From One Core Area Of Focus To Another In Your Business

Between 1998 and 2012, Apple dominated the technology world with not just one innovation but several gadgets that were leaders in their own class….

The #1 Reason Why People Follow Leaders

Ask most CEOs what they think makes an effective leader and you will end up with a rambling list that includes words such as…

Working Less Increased Productivity & Efficiency For This Company

What portion of your day do you think you spend on productive and focused work? It’s likely just a few hours a day. Making…

Is It Important For Your Company Or Business To Have Soul?

Robert Haas (Chairman of Levi Strauss & Company) once said, “You can’t energize people or earn their support unless the organization they are committing…