As a creative person, that word brings up unpleasant memories. Early morning exercise schedules. Hours of practicing scales at the piano. Hitting tennis balls at the unrelenting wall. Endless free-throw shots at the basketball court.
Performing the same simple tasks over and over and over!

We have given the word, ‘discipline,’ an unfair reputation.
The word brings up painful thoughts of repeating small tasks that are mundane and seemingly unpleasant.
Often viewed as a form of self-inflicted punishment, the modern understanding of discipline is a far cry from the importance placed on this virtue by influential historical figures.
The ancient understanding of discipline was closely tied to habit or training.
Aristotle (the Greek philosopher), suggested that excellence is not a single act but rather achieved by repeating the same task over and over – creating habits.
Excellence begins when any action or behavior become automatic and habitual.
Research shows that it takes an average of 66 days (2-3 months) to reach this point of ‘automaticity.’
Want to change an ineffective and unhealthy habit?
Replace it with a new, healthy and effective one.
The only catch? You need to give it at least 3 months of disciplined effort before it becomes automatic behavior.
In other words, it takes about 2.5 months for a new habit to form. So, stick with it!
Click Here to Get Started Today
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Remember that energy is where the real you shiney and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!