As explained by a recent article published on Trello, your brain may be smart, but it sure is lazy. Indeed, to help it make decisions fast and efficiently, it has created a number of shortcuts. These shortcuts are based on experiences that you and your brain have had in the past. This means that instead of your decisions being purely logical and subjective–based on facts and reason–they’re based on bias.
One such bias that your brain may rely on from time to time is the self-serving bias. Here’s how a brain that’s too self-serving may impede your success.
Self-Serving Bias – What’s That?
When the brain makes decisions based on the self-serving basis, its ultimate goal is to protect you. Indeed, you have worked hard for the things that you have in your life, and surely want to take credit for that. Further, when things don’t go your way, it takes a heck of a lot less energy to put the blame on the shoulders of someone else (which is exactly what you’re brain will do). In other words, you get credit for the good stuff and don’t have to worry about the bad.
Why Is the Self-Serving Bias Bad?
When your brain is biased to be self-serving, it means that you’re unable to see the world (and your role in it) from an objective perspective. This ultimately makes it more difficult for you to understand your own shortcomings, or to accept feedback and criticism that could improve your energy and help you grow. A self-serving brain can be very limiting, and prevent you from reaching your full potential and success.
Energetic Solutions To Help You Grow
Is your brain being too self-serving? If so, there are energetic solutions available to you! Reach out today to learn how to correct biases and improve your ability to self-reflect.
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