Coping With Calamity



Seems like we’re bombarded more and more with all the calamities happening around the world. Our favorite social media sources will show us, in the feed, the latest news. Our phones and search platforms all have a list of the latest news. Every hotel, gym, doctors offices and hospitals, eatery, and nearly everywhere we will be hanging out waiting have something to do with the latest calamity.

What are you overwhelmed with on a daily basis?


There depth of awareness of all the chaos and calamity around the globe will create post traumatic stress and brain trauma disorders. It can be tough to cope and deal with the constant barrage being shoved in your face at every turn.


Now the thing is that our brain requires constant upgrades to keep up with the speed of progress.


Recently I was at one of my favorite eateries near our new center in San Clemente and the guy at taking my order was fumbling with the register. He was grumbling and seemed panicked. I asked him if he was new and what he said was I h*te technology. I continued with something like how could you, you’re under 25. He said I don’t want anything to do with it. I asked him how he gets along in the world and he paused and told me again how much he didn’t want anything to do with technology. I said well if you want a job of any sort you’re going to have to learn. Then it dawned on me to ask him if he had a smart phone. He answered yes and I laughed so loud the entire restaurant turned around.


Well I get it there’s a love and not love circumstance around tech and the speed of which it changes. But the calamity is our addiction to being comfortable and wanting things to never ever change.


To be the most aligned human you can you must learn to be flexible. By flexible I mean bodily flexible because, if you didn’t know this yet, when your body is flexible it is an indicator that your mind is as well.


Hmmm now that’s interesting.


The more rigid the body the more rigid the mind has been working to reflect that in the body.


So to cope the volume of calamity:

  • You must learn to be flexible.
  • You must hydrate more.
  • You must gain composure much more quickly after an upset (increase your resilience).
  • You must learn boundaries with things that suck your energy. Whether you find that your over give with friends and family to your sacrifice, you don’t know when to say when, you get sucked into comparing yourself to others and you don’t know your ideal times for these things to be watched these all need a specific quality of your time, resources and allotment of energy.
  • You must learn to be around people who are much more uplifting.
  • You must learn to meditate and by that I mean meditate on the good things.


Calamity has always been around. Whether you’ve paid attention to it or not means that something in your world is trying to get your attention. But even if it is it doesn’t have to be life sucking, energy draining attention.


Coping is part of life, living and now even more than ever it’s about learning to be resilient.


Coping With Calamity


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