A recent article published in The New York Times provides some valuable insight into negative thinking and how to conquer it this year for reduced stress, improved happiness and greater levels of success.
Rumination: It’s Natural
It is human nature to ruminate on negative experiences more than positive ones. According to the TIMES’ article, this is probably an evolutionary adaptation that reminds us of risks and dangers and helps us to avoid both, as well as react immediately when either strikes. But while being aware of the bad things that have happened – or that could happen – may be completely natural, it’s not necessarily healthy; negative thinking impedes our happiness and positive energy.
How to Overcome Negative Thinking
If negative thinking is hardwired into our brains, how are we to overcome it? The answer: practice. What’s more, you shouldn’t try to stop negative thoughts from happening; the harder you try to banish negative thoughts, the more they will invade your mind. Instead, acknowledge your negative thinking with a statement such as, “I know that I am ruminating about….” or, “I realize I am obsessing about…” The next step after acknowledging your negative thoughts is to tame them, and then challenge them. For example, if you think, “No one will ever love me,” or “I am never going to find a better job,” think about the validity of those statements and challenge them; both are very unlikely!
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