There are countless situations throughout life that leave us feeling dissatisfied. In fact, for many people, there may even by countless unsatisfying situations in a single day. These situations can not only be unsatisfactory, but also leave us feeling frustrated, sad, or drained of energy. So, what do we do with an unsatisfying situation?
Accept It
There are two options when you are faced with an unsatisfying situation in life. The first option is to accept it. Accepting a situation that leaves you feeling out of whack or upset can be hard to do, though, and takes practice.
Accepting a dissatisfactory situation is best for situations that are out of your control. For example, if it snows on the day that you had planned a long walk outdoors, there is nothing that you can do about the snow other than accept it. In fact, you should even try embracing the situation.
Change It
The second option when things are not going your way is to change them. This is reserved for situations that are in your control. For example, you cannot change the fact that it snowed, but you can change your plans for the day to ones that reflect the weather. You are in control of changing countless other situations in your life, such as where you work, where you live, with whom you share your life, your health, and more. Most importantly, you can always change your attitude; do not fall victim to the myth of being powerless.
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