Identify & Address Your Blind Spots

When you drive a car, you are aware that not all the objects behind the car are visible to you. Most people have similar blind spots in their lives. They cruise through their days without realizing the unchecked aspects of their inner lives.

A blind spot is something that is not visible or obvious to you.

How do you address it and bring it into your vision?

Do you know your own blind spots?

What Are Your Blind Spots?

Being aware of your blind spots requires self-reflection and conversations with people who are close to you.

You could start by listing your current state of satisfaction with life by using a simple visual image like the wheel of life. Draw a circle and 8 intersecting lines, each representing an aspect of your life (such as health, finances, career, family, romance, etc.) Each line has a rating of 0 to 10, with 0 at the center of the circle and 10 at the outside edge.

What does this exercise reveal to you? Are their areas in your life that need more attention?

Psychometric testings (like Myers Briggs or Strengths Finder) reveal aspects of your personality that you were not aware of before. Such tools are helpful to identify the hidden aspects of your personality (click HERE) but they do not help you fix or resolve issues.

Turn Blind Spots Into Strengths

To resolve issues or improve areas that need to be stronger, you will need a combination of willpower, strategic planning and outside help. Start by making firm decisions of where you want to direct your life. Next, write down some goals to help you get there. Finally, find a coach who will keep you accountable (click HERE) on this journey of continued self-discovery.

Sheevaun Moran is a business advisor, master coach, quantum energy thought leader and the founder of Energetic Solutions. She uses business principles with energetic techniques to help more than 25,000 entrepreneurs, CEOs and leaders bring instant focus and shifts to clarity, purpose, and profits.


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Remember that energy is where the real you shiney and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!



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