The pyramid of values is a technique for investigating the different components of a specific desire or challenge. It helps an individual to define the what, how, and why of a goal or a dream.
The technique starts with questioning the level of common life and works its way up to the level of being aware of one’s mission and purpose. Then move back in reverse order to understand other layers of a person’s values.
This back and forth traversing of values is a self-reflection tool that helps anyone to swing into action mode. It increases the number of options you have to find solutions to an obstacle in your life.
It also allows you to become aware of your capabilities and possibilities to address any situation.
The levels in the pyramid of value are:

The Basic Environment Level – What Is The Current Reality?
This is where a person spends most of his or her time analyzing issues.
The most common questions on this level begin with, “When, what, where, and whom with?” There is no motion or action taken at this level. There might be a decision but no action.
A person at this level stops as soon as a decision is taken. They pay the monthly subscription for the gym and never show up. They purchase tickets for a holiday but decide in the last moment to stay home and work.
The Action And Behavior Level – How Will I Change My Reality?
The most common question at this stage is “What am I doing?” At this level, the actions and behaviors are important, not mastery of a particular skill.
So you might attend regular workshops on dance techniques without paying much attention to whether your dancing abilities are improving.
On this level, we try to define strategies and provide an answer to the question “How?”.
The primary human capital on this level is knowledge.
At this level, a person is not concerned about whether they are attending dance classes but rather what kind of knowledge they are gaining as a result of their attendance in these workshops. And further, how this knowledge can be applied in their daily lives.
The Values Level – Why Is It So Important?
The highest level on the pyramid of values is when a person asks the question, “Why is this important to me?”
What value does dancing add to my life?
Why am I going to the gym four times a week?
Why am I working 90 hours a week to run my own business?
If acquiring these skills matches a value for the individual, they can easily identify the “why” behind their decision and actions.
On this level, there are no justifications of the “Why I could not?” sort. There is only the sole question “How can I do it?”.
The answers on these level lead to a much deeper level – the identity level.
At this stage, a person defines how they see themselves. They start to see how they build relationships with others and what kind of individuals they are.
“What will I become if I run a successful company?”
“What will I become if I publish a book?”
“Am I ready to face the challenges and changes from taking on this responsibility?
When an individual understands the essence to their actions, they find the answer to the question, “What is the point of…?”.
On this level, you no longer need to motivate yourself to act on your goals. The behavior is driven by a deeper identity that relates to your success rather than a superficial pursuit of goals.
Refine Your VALUES Because They
Sheevaun Moran is a business advisor, master coach, quantum energy thought leader and the founder of Energetic Solutions. She uses business principles with energetic techniques to help more than 25,000 entrepreneurs, CEOs and leaders bring instant focus and shifts to clarity, purpose, and profits.
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