A book with the title, “Worthwhile Things Are Difficult,” is not going to be an instant bestseller.
But this title exists and the author of the book highlights the importance of pain, struggle, difficulties, challenges, and obstacles for the development of an individual’s character.
The book states that anything that was won with difficulty is worthwhile.
Our generation believes in ‘INSTA’. EASY.
The glamor of the quick fix is far more appealing than the grit of hard-work.
Why bother climbing the mountain when you can take a helicopter straight to the summit, take a few pictures and wolf down a gourmet meal before setting off to another 2-hour fast adventure?

The joy of climbing a mountain feels worthwhile at the pinnacle. Despite the difficulties, once at the top, you forget your pain and breathe in deeply as you admire the beauty around you.
Those two are vastly different experiences. The instant gratification (I want it now) attitude that seeks easy experiences will never learn to withstand pressure and miss out on the worthwhile things life has to offer.
What is your perception on difficult times? When things are not going well and it seems like your best days are behind you?
Worthwhile things are difficult.
Worthwhile things take time.
Worthwhile things require effort and persistence.
Are you settling for easy? Or, pushing past pain barriers for the worthwhile things in life?
Remember to not give up when life seems unfair and difficult. Your victory is in accepting that what’s at the end of this season is worth going through the pain.
Your victory is in accepting that what’s at the end of this season is worth going through the pain.
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Remember that energy is where the real you shiney and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!