Decluttering is typically considered an organizational strategy. But did you know that it’s also one of the most powerful things you can do to amplify and accelerate your success?
Here’s why: Clutter, in any form, creates chaos around you.
Perhaps you have a cluttered office … with piles of paper on the floor, file folders and notebooks covering your desk, filing cabinets filled to bursting, bookshelves full of reading material and decorative items, a “junk drawer” where you toss miscellaneous items to get them out of sight.
Perhaps it’s your mind that’s cluttered … with project items, to-do items you don’t want to forget, thoughts about people you want to follow up with, or replays of conversations or situations that didn’t go well.

Perhaps your emotional space is cluttered … with worry about how you’ll pay your bills, anxiety about where your next clients will come from, stress about a crushing workload, doubt about your worth, or sadness about past hurts or traumas.
Chaos – whether physical, mental or emotional – hinders success. It clouds your vision and energetic space. Trying to see and move toward your vision of success becomes challenging … like trying to drive your car with a muddy windshield.
To create greater success and prosperity, you need to create clarity. That means clearing the chaos.
Some forms of chaos are easy to address. Think of decluttering your office, for example. You know how to file papers, purge your collection of books, and empty your wastebasket.
But there’s a lot more to clear – any negativity in your space, for instance. Persistent negative thoughts, such as a chronic concern about your finances, can hinder your progress as surely as anchors can stop a boat from moving forward.
During my new webinar training, “From Chaos to Clarity: Unleashing Your Big Money Breakthrough,” I’ll explain more about how to keep your energetic space clear. I’ll also teach you 3 easy techniques for creating clarity (including one that snips the connection between you and anything negative in your space). You’ll be able to use these techniques immediately following the webinar – and you should start seeing shifts quickly.
The webinar is your free training, and it’s being offered several times so you can pick what works best with your schedule. Get details and sign up here: Unleash Your Prosperity page
Join us and De-clutter Your Life Today!
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For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at http://sheevaunmoran.com. Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit HERE. Remember that energy is within you…let it shine today!
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Remember that energy is where the real you shiney and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!