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Hi, this is Sheevaun Moran and this is the tree of life podcast. And if you’re here for the first time where to episode six, and it is a series. So go back and listen from the beginning and we really talked to you about how trees and the tree of life really are a metaphor for success and prosperity and ease and flow and foundation and even health. And this episode is going to follow the one about stacking for success. That was episode number five, a very powerful concept that we don’t really think about often, if at all. And a fun metaphor that I hope you get to enjoy. So go back and take a listen to that. This episode is about the four D’s. And the fascinating thing about the four D’s is where you go off on a really big tangent about DS. But if you look at a tree and what a tree needs most is it needs a lot of vitamin D, it is going to really deliver on what it promises from the seedlings.
That’s what it’s here to do. That’s what it’s programmed to do. It’s programmed to come up from that seedling out, push out through the earth and really get up in and do its work, meaning provide nutrients for all of the beings on the planet, no matter what kind of tree it is, even if it’s a Bush, it still has the same concept, whether it’s going to provide fruit or whether it’s just going to provide more nuts in order for there to be more trees. I grew up with my backyard as a forest. I grew up on a drive called forest drive. And that metaphor of trees is really foundational because it’s a fun little story that really became prevalent in our lives when I was growing up about my mother. And she was very, very organized. She really did not like things anywhere out of disorganized or out of perfection in her, in her view, in the way she saw things.
And you know, this can be a metaphor for things that are going on inside your world. And I know she had her own things going on inside her world. But one of the years when I was a teenager, she must have something serious going on because she decided that she was going to rake all the leaves on the floor of our backyard. Now that’s a really big backyard. She was super motivated and she wanted to be really beautiful. Everything could just flourish and it would be pristine and perfect. And the fascinating thing was the truth of what happened and what she did other than the fact that she and my dad had a big argument about it, was that the next year, in the next two years, the daffodils, which were super huge in their growth, the daffodils didn’t bloom for a couple of years until the growth in the foundation of the leaves really protected everything and nutrified those bulbs of the daffodils.
So what she had done is she had changed the ecosystem of the forest and what it was meant to do. And so our trees in our metaphor today is about the D’s and her D for that one would have been don’t do it anyway. Let’s get to it. So the four D’s I’m going to talk about are do, defer, delegate or delete. And there are lots of versions of this out there in business talkings and chattings and writings, et cetera. But think about this in terms of a tree. A tree is going to, it’s going to do its job, it’s going to deliver on its promise. It’s going to do everything it can in order to dig deep and thrive and provide the nutrients it’s been programmed to provide. That is what the trees do. It is going to be a different kind of like what we talked about in episode five.
It’s going to differ whenever there’s the thing, there are some things that are going on in its own environment, whether it’s drought or a fire or something like that. It’s going to different growth and it’s going to make sure it can do everything it can to survive and resprout and then it’s going to delete the branches that are not healthy and it’s going to drop the leaves that it needs to drop before the next season in order to defer and really hunker down in order to make sure that all of the nutrients for the winter are taken care of. So due to the difference and then it’s going to delegate, what is it going to delegate is going to delegate for the concept of fruits and nuts and seeds. It’s going to delegate by propagating more offspring. And are you doing this in your business? Do, differ, delete, or delegate?
Are you doing those in a particular way?
When you’re starting out, it’s not easy to delegate. But at some point in time, if we want our businesses and lives run smoothly then delegating becomes an absolute necessity- which is why I recommend getting yourself a personal administrative assistant as soon as possible! Your first step should be finding someone who can do all those tedious tasks that would otherwise take up so much of your energy – like filing taxes or interviewing for new clients (and keeping track on hours worked). So you get into the habit of paying somebody and getting income for yourself and the business and you’re going to delete ideas.
We often have a lot of bright ideas, but you need to delete those that are not really in their time. The challenge with startups and new concepts is trying to do them all at once; this takes up your energy which can be limited for other tasks throughout the day and the energy that you have in order to do that is pretty limited.
Delegate, delegate! You have so much energy at the beginning of your journey and you want to fill everyone’s day with love. But it can be hard when there are only 24 hours in one day – not just for ourselves but also people around us who need attention too; this is why I recommend delegating certain tasks or jobs if possible (it takes time away from focusing on other important matters). There may even come a point where more specific help would do better than general advice because some days all we really need is an extra hand here or there. There are so many awesome tools and systems out there such as Fiverr and, and you know hiring systems and you know, HR systems, et cetera, and they’re not that expensive.
And so you really want to think about how you can be delegating more. I have a friend who is a, is a yeah, astrophysicist and he doesn’t like to delegate anything. And his books are incredibly long, incredibly wonderful, but incredibly long and tedious and he hasn’t delegated his website out to anybody else. And so it’s not very easy to order stuff from him. And that’s sad because his books are really profound.
So how do you not say yes to everything? You need a plan! It’s important that your plans are priorities and goals, because if they’re not then there will be too many things on the list. If it is an actionable item or can easily get done within 6 months for example – don’t defer it; just put a star next to its name in order from highest priority (1) down lower-priority items until all have been dealt with but one thing at time goes this way: start small by focusing only ____and see what happens.
It’s important to identify what is not serving your highest and best good. If something doesn’t feed the life force, get rid of it! delete any circumstances that are totally sapping energy from you; they’re distracting us away from our end objective–which usually means we have an even bigger vision for ourselves than before…
For new entrepreneurs, it’s important to learn how delete because the only thing you know is adding. You have no idea of letting go and that can be a problem when starting out as an entrepreneur with so many things going on in your head trying all at once just like for me! The next step after understanding what not to do is learning how I’m able now though my experience from past mistakes/ successes etc.,to actually begin purging everything unnecessary – old ideas / resentments anger judgments jealousies- which will ultimately lead us back into our own lanes where we belong.
The key to success is not only in what you do, but when and how well. You need the right energy for your level of expertise as well- so start there! Delegate low hanging fruit tasks that can be done by anyone else on staff or outsource them if possible because this will free up time where focus lies elsewhere which could lead towards better results overall.
Do you need to delete ideas? Generally, it’s an idea of pattern, a program, and attitude or belief. One of the things we teach all of our entrepreneurs, no matter what size business they have is to really, really, really look at deleting the patterns of poverty, consciousness, poverty mentality, lack mentality. We have these in an insidious way that is so, so inherent to who we are as a society and it goes back to hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years about the feudal system and the fascinating thing about deleting these patterns is then they have to be replaced with healthier ones and we don’t often know how to replace them without your ones. And it is not about an affirmation, it is not just about mindset. It is truly about learning how to deliver transformation within yourself and learning where to identify that transformation so that you can delete the things that no longer serve you. Hey, my name is Sheevaun Moran. You can find out more about me and the things that we’re doing at if you want to get a heads up and a start-up on your process, then go to and go ahead and fill out an application there and we’ll get into a doing conversation and look forward to chatting with you soon. Have an awesome day.
Did You Know There Are 8 Episodes In The Series! Click Here to Listen
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