In the first installment of eight of The Tree of Life Podcast, I talk about your Energetic Business Blueprint and taking the seedling of an idea and grow it into a forest (massive prosperity). How to get one and how to grow it from a seedling to a thriving business. Do you know what your Energetic Business Blueprint is? Are you looking to better define one? Then read below to learn more…

When you think about a business, it’s kind of like the Tree of Life. What we do for our businesses is what gives them life and shapes their future growth–and how they’ll look when that time comes around again!
You may think that you are doing everything right in your business but if the environment doesn’t support it then what good is all of this hard work?
We need plenty of food, water, and air for our trees to grow strong. The same goes with any company or organization looking at growing their businesses; they must be aware of how supportive your environment can get when ensuring success!
You can go from a seedling of an idea to sprout on up, out through the dirt. And that is when you’re most vulnerable and at your most exposed as an entrepreneur because it’s hard enough just getting started but imagine having nothing- no security nor stability in life outside work! That would be daunting for anyone let alone entrepreneurs who have been enmeshed with jobs all their lives trained towards consistency rather than entrepreneurship which requires risk-taking accompanied by uncertainty until proven successful (and sometimes even then). The opportunity however stands before us: We don’t need permission anymore; we’ve got freedom right here waiting patiently.
What is an Energetic Business Blueprint?
If you’re that kind of person who has done a lot of work on yourself. They were doing well and successful and another type of their life and they found that there’s this one particular area or a few areas that are totally tanking and you can’t break through into something new and it feels like you’re doing the right things, but you’re actually going in the wrong direction, then that’s the type of person I help and I use a technology that I created that is an energetic technology that is actually like an Energetic Business Blueprint.
And yet there are business blueprints and there are all kinds of business formulas and so on and so forth. But an Energetic Business Blueprint is where we take what you are doing, what you want to do, what your soul is here to do, and your capacity to have income. And we put that all together so that we can work within you and in your market, teach you to work within your market to get heard and to get paid and to do it with integrity, with honesty, with authenticity, with your purpose, and your passion. And then prosperity is really, really being yours that you can walk through the world and be heard by the right folks and that prosperity comes to you. It sounds simple. I know that it sounds completely simple.
However, what you want to think about is it’s simple, but it is not easy.
It takes a unique kind of person to really allow themselves to be held by the hand, to be held to a high standard and to really learn to take what’s inside of them, to get out there and communicate in a way that selling at the right price because many people sell things, but they’re often at the wrong price and really give yourself the commitment and consistency. So what I’m here to help you do is really see a new you and really get out into the market to achieve that new you, that new prosperity, that new business blueprint that is coming through you. Whether you have an existing organization or you have a startup of an idea or you’re really just wanting to break free into more income. That’s where I shine. Bring this Energetic Business blueprint together for you.
So if that sounds kind of interesting, then reach out to me and reach out to us [email protected] or really start out with our application at
And that’s going to give you actually a little bit of an idea of what’s already going on inside of you. And then we give you a couple of steps. Once you apply there, we give you a couple of steps to take immediately. We give you three videos, we give you a couple of steps immediately to take, and really get going. And if we do nothing with that, I understand that. But if we are able to help you and get you to your next awesome purpose, passion, and prosperous place, then let’s do this. My name is Sheevaun Moran, and I really am your advocate for you being that Tree of Life and Tree of Success. Have an awesome day!
Did You Know There Are 8 Episodes In The Series! Click Here to Listen to the Next Episode
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Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!