Getting the Best of Boredom When Boredom Has You Down

What's Your Choice?
Take action to combat boredom.

Did you know that even if you are running around and busy all of the time, you may still be bored? That’s because boredom isn’t about just doing things – it’s about doing things that are interesting and meaningful to you. If you are feeling restless to do something, but you’re not sure what that something is, here are some tips for beating boredom:

1. Determine If You Are Disconnected

Many times boredom arises as an unconscious choice to unplug from the world, typically as a way to avoid a contentious or uncomfortable situation. Rather than dealing with your feelings, you may check out entirely, which can result in feelings of dissatisfaction and restlessness. Get to the bottom of your boredom– are you unmotivated, too busy with other things that you don’t enjoy or disconnected? Give yourself the time to experience what you are feeling and identify the cause. Consider writing about it or talking to a professional.

2. Make Plans

Sometimes, boredom and depression are connected. If you are having mixed feelings about wanting to do something and actually making it happen, make plans to get yourself out and about. This might include going for a walk, heading to the gym or scheduling a social date with a friend. Until you address your boredom and do something to relieve it, boredom will continue to get the best of you.

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