After a year like 2020 and all the chaos and dramas, it’s no wonder some people are amazingly productive but others need to IMPROVE, or simply regain, “Productivity”. We all have moments when we feel drained, and we just don’t want to do anything.
Mundane tasks like laundry, taxes and even parts of your profession might seem overwhelming. When we don’t have the energy or time to muster to get everything done, then it feels impossible to get anything done.
This can be tough, but it happens to all of us. In my experience, you have to recognize this threshold, pause and reflect to figure out what you need to move forward.
Ask yourself these questions to find out how to feel motivated and return to your productivity.
1. Am I Willing to Make it Fun
Speaking of play (fun), even if you aren’t an expert, you can make anything fun for yourself with the right energy and mindset.
For example, try playing fun music you haven’t listened to in years while you work to uplift your mood. If it’s a task around the house, turn it into a dance party.
Work and play don’t have to be separate. With a little creativity, you can combine them.
By bringing yourself more joy, you can increase your motivation and make your work enjoyable. The first step is choosing work that is fun and makes fun of your work.
2. What is the Urgency
Sometimes when we feel like we don’t want to do anything on our task lists, this is really our way of recognizing that we don’t want to do all the things on our list. And we shouldn’t have to do them all in one day.
Check your list of tasks and see what needs to happen soonest—that’s what you should focus on first.
If you have the time, take one tiny step on future tasks. Let the momentum carry you. If it doesn’t have to be done all at once, then don’t put that pressure on yourself.
By giving yourself more time, allow yourself to have the IDEA of MORE THAN ENOUGH TIME. You can reserve your energy to get work done in a sustainable way when you go “toward” the solution.
3. If it’s One of These Three Then…
a. Does it need to be done — Feeling like you don’t want to do anything can sometimes be a sign or signal that you don’t actually have to do it.
It’s always good to take a step back and reevaluate. Make sure that the task you’re thinking about is necessary.
If it’s something that you think you’re supposed to do but won’t actually improve your life or isn’t 100% mandatory, maybe set it aside.
By giving yourself more clarity on your tasks, you can better handle what to focus on.
b. Do you need more information to make sure it gets done with urgency. Once you know the right information you can achieve the next step.
c. Will this affect your income or future prospects.
d. Are you willing to potentially have FOMO (aka fear of missing out) and if you are, you’re in the power position of your choice and being productive.
4. Can Someone Else Do This
Get someone else to do some or all the work for you.
It might seem tough to let go, but there are so many experts in our world who don’t mind doing the work you’re dreading. They might even see it less as work and more as play.
By giving yourself more help, you don’t have to do all your tasks alone.
5. One Task it Till Completed
Feeling like you don’t want to do anything can sometimes signify that you don’t actually have to do it.
It’s always good to take a step back and reevaluate. Make sure that the task you’re thinking about is necessary. Allow yourself to de-clutter in various ways.
If it’s something that you think you’re supposed to do but won’t actually improve your life or isn’t 100% mandatory, maybe set it aside.
By giving yourself more clarity on your tasks, you can better handle what to focus on.
Getting back to work after feeling unmotivated doesn’t have to be painful. When you feel like you don’t want to do anything, that can actually be a helpful feeling.
This toolkit will help you stop and ask some new questions and get on track. What do you need to make this work happen that you don’t currently have?
Once you see where your feelings are pointing you, you can get through the things you don’t want to do. Before you know it, you’ll have the time and energy to return to the things in life you can’t wait to get back to.
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Remember that energy is where the real you shine and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!