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How Jealousy is Getting the Best of Your Energy

Does jealousy ever get the best of you?

Jealousy has been a party of human history but with social media constantly shoving things that we envy in our face (an awesome body, a loving spouse, a new baby, a huge house, a new job, etc.), jealousy is becoming a constant part of the human condition. But if you are constantly suffering from jealousy, you are allowing envy to get in the way of your own energy and potential. Consider this: you only have your life and you will never have the life of someone else. The sooner you realize this and accept and embrace it, the sooner you will have success in your own life. In the meantime, here are some ways to stop focusing on others and focus more on you:

Delete Your Social Media Accounts

Social media is at the root of jealousy in 2017. The best way to stop focusing on what others have is to stop paying attention to others through artificial means. Instead, start forming real relationships that aren’t through the internet.

Compare Yourself to YOURSELF

Instead of looking at what everyone else has or is, start comparing yourself against yourself. Have you made improvements in the last 10 years? The last 10 days? What do you love about yourself? What things do you need to accept about yourself or change?

Be Humble and Maintain Perspective

Okay, so someone has a brand new car that cost $$$$. So what? Why is a material possession like a car important? Are material possessions something you value? What is more important to you in life?

How do you combat jealousy when feeling envious?

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Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!



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