When you’ve got a business and you’re putting everything back in it the cash flow is precarious. It feels unsafe and can feel exhausting.
This beautiful client, who is in our Innovator’s program, Jesse (names are changed and the story is real), was gung ho and started off with a bang. Things were going so well and then…once she got a bit of what we planned for with increased income she wandered off tract. She actually ran off track and with intention into…well we’ll cover that in a moment.
Why did she get off track so quickly?
She was a previously successful systems builder and everything should be fine. But they weren’t. Once she had income she then started to use it in sabotaging ways and not keep up the momentum. What she had was “I got this it is” and “wheee look at me it is” and she had no commitment to sustainability believing that once she hit her first goal she was done and everything was magically fixed.
Jesse had a significant need to be right and a need to be loved and was out there telling her story. Not that telling your story is wrong but she was sharing in ways that were completely inauthentic. You could see and feel the lack of integrity in her videos and her pushiness in her shares. People could feel her desperation. Jesse was out of integrity with her word and her mission and her money.
This can happen and through using the tools of our elegant ask process, owning her story and her creation of drama, learning that she’d had a lifelong need to be right and not have to work to get results or really showing up for her clients, prospects and herself. When she applied and reapplied the principles of truth that there is income all around and it’s easier to see when you know you are safe and your mission will get out there. Once she leaned in, asked for help (only after we held her feet the fire) without trying to blame, or make it about how much she didn’t have in income that led her to better income.
You see…income is exactly that and it will come in when you allow it and trust that you the ability to ask, the ability to bounce back, the ability to stay the course and trust the right mentors.
Is everything perfect? No but she’s made more consistently each month, month in and month out than she’s ever made before.
She has some additional items to clean up and applying herself to the system is the one she’s been working on daily. Each week she reports more income than any other time in her life and learning to manage cash flow is such a novel approach when you have your own business because you are the creator of your paycheck.
Jesse is showing up, has more people in her programs and has a sustainable income stream and is held accountable and participates in our Innovator’s group like she’s not done since she started.
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Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!