You’re one of the hardest-working individuals you know and you have been with the company for years. So why haven’t you been promoted?
You Are Putting in Too Many Hours
Sounds counterintuitive, right? However, if you are putting in too many hours, your boss may think that you care more about how much time you spend in the office than the quality of work that you do. Want to raise eyebrows in a good way? Find a way to cut your hours while increasing your output. More focus on what you’re doing should help.
You Give in Too Easily
Are you the employee who loves to be agreeable and hates to upset anyone? Do you never challenge what your boss says because you aim to please? If so, your agreeable nature may actually be backfiring. Take some initiative by voicing what you think and sharing new ideas and opinions.
You Blend In
While you may work hard and long, and may totally deserve a promotion, if you’re not doing anything to get noticed well, your boss may just not notice. What can you do to draw positive attention your way?
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Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!