The three most important skills you will need in your managing position are: building relationships, communication, and decisive problem solving skills.
As a new manager or leader, you need to make a mark in the organization you work for.
Build meaningful relationships by helping others.
Work on your communication – spoken and written.
And be decisive when solving problems.

Managing And Building Relationships
Clients always choose to do business with people whom they like.
The people who get promoted are the ones who invest in relationships in the company.
Why is it necessary to build relationships? Because it shows that you are interested in helping other people.
And it goes both ways. You might need my help today but I will one day need yours.
Shift the focus on others and you will notice that they will be willing to help you accomplish your goals at a later date.
Work on Your Communication
Perhaps you are a man or woman of few words. That would have worked well in the past when you were responsible for your own tasks as an employee. Not anymore.
Now that you are part of management, you will need to step it up (click HERE).
You need to be able to communicate your expectations clearly and be specific about what your team needs to achieve. Without clarity in your communication, your team will lack clarity in your vision.
Keep in mind that communication skills include the written word. You will need to learn the art of creating reports, performance reviews, and memos that makes sense.
Be Decisive In Solving Problems
It is a given that once you start managing people, you will have a lot more problems to solve.
A lot of new managers start weighing the options and get stuck in an indecisive state.
Be decisive.
Otherwise you will be the leader who is unable to resolve problems effectively.
Sheevaun Moran is a business advisor, master coach, quantum energy thought leader and the founder of Energetic Solutions. She uses business principles with energetic techniques to help more than 25,000 entrepreneurs, CEOs and leaders bring instant focus and shifts to clarity, purpose, and profits.
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