Only If You’re Interested In Marketing

It’s imperative that I practice what I preach yet every once in a while things get outta sorts. Not much puts me out of sorts. The other day stuff must have piled up too high and I was admittedly bent.

Receiving a note with a video attached from someone who was a client, at one time, sent about another client. He said deja vu but not you and it was mentioned she had copied every aspect of her stage, presence, words and teachings to what and how I have done for 20 years. 

I said eh well at least she’s getting the information right. 

Then a client wanted help with an event she’s hosting that isn’t quite working and hadn’t taken much of my advice about marketing before but at least she’s staying consistent. Once she fully revealed the website, emails, and marketing materials, email copy, etc.— it was nearly an exact replication of my copy, my email style, my wheel of success and I thought oh wow… No wonder they wouldn’t let me know the specifics much before and no wonder they’re not getting the traction they need

So the thing about these two scenarios is this…

It doesn’t matter that they have stolen, that’s their drama and what they will have to live with. Yet what they don’t realize is that my audience and the way I market is not going to get them the results for the thing they are here to share in the world

You see I spend a great deal of effort staying on top of business, energetics, and storytelling and I tell stories and teach based on my experience. They cannot copy my experience.

This is exactly where people get their marketing wrong. They copy, they steal, and there are people who have sales and landing pages that even say steal their stuff. Ick times ten. Seriously we are all creative amazing individuals who has their own souls journey, path and destiny and stealing never works the way you want. If you give the energy of stealing someone’s stuff you’ll receive that result. 

It’s no fun for me to see people who aren’t getting the result they want because they steal. 

I’m here to help you find you, do you, be you, find your path, your way, your business, your own unique template of success. 

Stop copying, start creating, and learn the real way to get your essence and message out there so that you make a sale. 

Know that if you’re being stubborn about your market and those people aren’t buying from you, you need to shift your message. Your message is about who you ARE actually serving. This is because you know their pain and how to solve it now message that in a way the rest of those types of people can hear you.

If you’re not writing something every day then you will likely lose touch with the essence of communicating with your audience. 

Your list is your mojo and so get people to join your list. 

The other day we spoke with folks who have been on my list for years and now they are taking action with us and have already gotten some pretty epic shifts and transformations in their energy🌀 and viola sales increased.

Be willing to try stuff… lots and lots of stuff. 

Be available to your market without using so many big words. There’s a cool little chrome plug-in called word tune that will help you simplify your message. Try it, use it.

And again – Do not steal. 

Unleash Your Business Prosperity Through Love

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