These Uncertain Times Anti-Chaos

These Uncertain Times Anti-Chaos | Driving For Your Success | Sheevaun Moran

Everyone, Sheevaun here, Driving for Your Success and weird times, not the end of times as like many people at the store are saying, but weird times. So you get to be weird or you get to be wonderful on your own unique way.

A couple of things that I hope that I can share with you in my Driving for Your Success thing today is elevate, elevate, elevate, meaning elevate your mood, elevate your attitude, elevate your body, meaning move your body. That mind thing is the thing that’s going to make you not the best that you can possibly be, and now’s the time to be better than you’ve ever been. Now’s the time to work on yourself. Self-growth, self evolution, self enlightenment, self healing, self recovery. What else can I tell you? Enlightened mind and lightened thinking and lightened living. Those are three things that I talk about a lot over at Energetic Solutions in my company and we teach them through a six wheel process, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, financially.

You have six parts of you that now in this space of time, we get to shift. Transform and transmit anything that is a low vibration virus energy, is something that can be transmitted into something that is a new attitude, a new energy and new opportunity. A new revolution for yourself. So what do you need to revolutionize within yourself so you can get out, come out on the other side in a way that maybe you couldn’t before? Maybe you were just so mired in it.

Now we have this space. We have this giant, vast unknown space. Rather than sitting and binge-watching this stuff, let’s use the opportunity to move our bodies, move our minds, learn something that we have wanted to learn to communicate with others in a very different way. Then we’re used to communicating. Find an avenue and an outlet for all of this kinetic energy that’s stored up inside of you, because this kinetic energy that stirred up inside of you is going to want to come out. It often comes out and you know, lower emotions, fear, worry, anxiety, tension, stress, bidding on news and playing into the problem.

If you were to meditate from your heart, activate the heart, tap your heart with your left hand, it actually activates your higher heart. So, may you be your better and best self over the coming weeks. And if you need any help or support, reach out to me at May you have a peaceful, beautiful, healthy body, mind and spirit. Have a great day.

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