How To Decrease Clutter And Increase Your Joy

Do you really need a hundred paperclips in your study drawer? How about the beautiful journals with blank pages? Let’s not get started about the wardrobe and the pants from the 80s that will never see the lights of day. Clearing the clutter in your house can increase your joy.

Organize the chaos by using these simple tips:

Is The Item Useful?

It is likely that you have a lot of stuff in the house that have sentimental value but no real practical use. Do you really need to keep the box of letters from the broke musician boyfriend who left you twenty years ago? Ask yourself the hard question and start removing the things that do not serve a purpose and add no real value to your life.

Books are always the hardest to give away!

Does It Spark Joy?

Are you excited to see an item of clothing or a piece of furniture? Lifestyle consultant Marie Kondo recommends getting rid of items that do not spark joy. If you are unsure of an item that is simply taking up space in your house, hold it in your hand for a few seconds and then ask yourself, “Does this item excite me?” If the answer is not a definite, “yes,” perhaps it is time to get rid of it.

Does It Make Your Life Easier?

An item might be useful, spark joy and yet be cumbersome. This is the most difficult question to answer as your mind races to find reasons not to let go of material things. If you holding on to an item because it has memories attached to it, think again of the downside to a cluttered space.

We are now aware that a cluttered space is indicative of a disorganized and possibly cluttered mind. Clear the space, clear your mind and increase your joy.

Sheevaun Moran is a business advisor, master coach, quantum energy thought leader and the founder of Energetic Solutions. She uses business principles with energetic techniques to help more than 25,000 entrepreneurs, CEOs and leaders bring instant focus and shifts to clarity, purpose, and profits.


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