How the Body Clears Energy

In today’s health-conscious world, we often overlook the body’s energy system, focusing instead on diet and physical activity. The human body constantly sends signals, but we’ve been taught to address symptoms rather than understanding our holistic energy.

For millennia, cultures have used tools to decode these signals, but modern practices often miss insights from within. As the ultimate expert on your body, it’s essential to understand the energies and blockages that influence your well-being. Energy Mastery® helps recognize and cleanse these energy patterns, promoting faster healing and restoring balance.

‌Mind-Body Connection: The Role of Energy in Health

This is a hot topic because when we think of our bodies we generally follow the principle that what you eat or physical activities cause issues with the body.

What’s beautiful is that the body is like a machine that gives signals all the time and energy is one of the least understood pieces of the body and its issues. Understanding how the body clears energy is crucial to addressing these signals effectively.

‌The energy that gets stored in our cells, our tissues and organs is all part of a whole piece of the amazing machine. But we’ve been taught that it’s about the part of the body that is the problem.

‌For thousands of years we’ve been using tools to access these hidden pieces of what the body has to report but we’re so far away from this practice that we outsource our diagnosis to people who do not live in our own bodies. They can give a piece of information but YOU will have more data than they ever could.

‌You live and breathe and think and act from your body and mind and thus you need to gain the edge on how to understand the body and its energies or blocks better.

‌Many of the issues that we experience are because of a series of things that occur from our minds, our perceptions, the energies that we are constantly affected by. Our intellect and emotions are so tied into this whole thing. But have something that is painful and we are trying to fix the affected area rather than the whole.

‌Energy Mastery® is about learning how to identify what sequence your energy is creating. All the way from the start of the affected area to the other energy systems that actually can help the affected area heal faster.

‌Our minds are trapped in the pain cycle and all we want is instant relief and have been taught that a pill or a surgery are the answers.

How to Recognize and Release Stored Energy in Your Body

In fact the energy needs to unlock all the junked up, stored up old energy so that the body can begin to release those issues. Understanding how the body clears energy is essential for this release process.

‌Toxins from food, traumas from our thoughts, sitting a funky way for years, not having good enough shoes to allow the body to align all contribute to the energy.

‌Get angry and the body gets angry back. It’s cause and effect. Your organs store this and once you’re more relaxed the body then starts to try to rid itself.

‌With the Energy Mastery® tools we share how to deal with those energies that are stuck and stored and cleanse those out of the energy, body, emotions and the mind so that the reset and ultimately restoration is going to more easily occur.

‌To your healthy body. Want to try a session with a certified Energy Mastery® practitioner click here.

While diet and physical activity are often blamed for bodily issues, the energy stored in our cells, tissues, and organs plays a crucial role in our overall health. The body constantly sends signals, yet we often overlook the holistic energy system. For thousands of years, cultures have used tools to understand these signals, but modern practices frequently miss the insights that come from within. By mastering your body’s energy, you can better understand and address the root causes of discomfort, leading to more effective and holistic healing. Utilizing Energy Mastery® tools can help cleanse and reset your body’s energy, promoting overall wellness and balance.

Sheevaun Moran is a business advisor, master coach, quantum energy thought leader and the founder of Energetic Solutions. She uses business principles with energetic techniques to help more than 25,000 entrepreneurs, CEOs and leaders bring instant focus and shifts to clarity, purpose, and profits.


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