Sometimes you end up with a circumstance that you find so distressing that you truly want to tune out. While this may seem like a good idea it has it’s repercussions.
We get to choose how to respond to today’s environment and conversation.
Regardless of how you feel, you have influence that you’ve forgotten about. This type of influence is the loudest and most significant you could ever make.
Your thoughts kept private are useful only if you have no opinion. When you have an opinion and you don’t want or know how to speak up, write about or get on a platform about your thoughts this is your surest way to make an impact. Your click or choice when you make a purchase is speaking your opinion.
Your eyeballs and what you choose to keep in your sights.
Your mindset or thoughts make a significant difference.
Your wallet makes an impact on your choices. It wasn’t so long ago that organic produce was only available in the smallest of stores. It was the wallets that is making organics available in more and more stores every week.
Your fingertips get to choose what to click on and read or watch. Every choice you make to support something that is against your morals or principles is a powerful choice.
This is a time when your choice and voice are important to keep alive or disempower what you believe in.
Tempest Williams’s book “The Open Space of Democracy.” gave a commencement address and her words were, and continue to be, a call to action: “When minds close, democracy begins to close. Fear creeps in; silence overtakes speech. Rhetoric masquerades as thought. Dogma is dressed up like an idea. And we are told what to do, not asked what we think. Security is guaranteed. The lie begins to carry more power than the truth until the words of our own founding fathers are forgotten and the images of television replace history.” She continued, “When democracy disappears, we are asked to accept the way things are. I beg you, as graduates of this distinguished university, do not accept the way things are.”
Protect what you believe to be democracy, your democracy is your freedom. Freedom is choice of voice.
I hope that you can lift yourself or another up and be inspired to make a higher choice in your clicks and your voice.
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Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!