Inspiration seems to occur at random moments. For some, it strikes in the middle of a long shower, and others find it on a long walk. Newton found inspiration for his ideas on gravity when an apple fell off a tree and struck his head.
How do you find inspiration?
The good news is you don’t have to wait for the apple to fall on your head.

Be Open To Change
Being open to new situations increases your chances of finding inspiration.
Openness to experiences is one of the personality traits referred to by psychologists as the Big Five. It indicates the degree to which a person is open to new opportunities and ideas.
Creativity requires doing something that has not been done before. As a result, being open to new ideas boosts creativity.
Practicing openness is not difficult. You could start with simple things like trying something new for lunch or taking a new route on your morning jog.
Follow The Flow Of Creativity
Inspiration, like water, often flows best when there is less resistance. Create boundaries around situations that cause your inspiration to run low. When you are around toxic people, they suck the inspiration out of you. Surround yourself with inspiring people to feel more inspired.
And just like water following the path of least resistance, inspiration follows the path of creative enjoyment. When you are engrossed in an activity you enjoy, creativity and inspiration seem to be in abundance.
Sheevaun Moran is a business advisor, master coach, quantum energy thought leader and the founder of Energetic Solutions. She uses business principles with energetic techniques to help more than 25,000 entrepreneurs, CEOs and leaders bring instant focus and shifts to clarity, purpose, and profits.
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