Regrets. We all have some.
The relationship that failed, the job that you lost, the actions you should have taken but didn’t take. There will always be something to regret in life.
For some people, regrets spur them into action. While, for others, it becomes a repetitive record of past misgivings.
If you are in the latter group, chances are you tend to be negative and harsh on yourself and with others. It’s time to shift your mindset and see regrets in a new light:

Start Seeing Regrets In A Different Perspective
In the past, you knew less about life than you know now. Back then, you operated on the knowledge/experience/wisdom you possessed and now you would likely operate differently.
Now, you know better, so you do better.
One of the greatest gift you can give yourself is to forgive. Forgive yourself – Maya Angelou.
Don’t spend your life living in regret.
Learn From Your Regrets And Let Them Go
Your greater regret in the future is going to be about missed opportunities. To avoid the same mistakes repeating and turning into future regrets, you need to own your actions, learn from them, and move on.
Act when you can, get moving on your goals, and start living the life you dream about… now!
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Remember that energy is where the real you shiney and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!