Heavy one Sheevaun here, driving for your success, and today’s topic is how stress kills your success and how to transcend it. So one of the ways that I ended up here in this position of coaching and mentoring and online programs and many events is because I was ultimately stressed. I was and I was unconscious to this dress because my husband had died. I dove into work and I really was known and a lot of times people numb out and stress really just becomes you and you become stress. And the fascinating thing is it creeps up just like an extra few pounds. It creeps into your rural, just like somebody who is a little bit more toxic and maybe not so helpful for your life. You know all of these little little movements, all of these little things that creep into your world. They come in because you’re not paying attention.
You don’t have the bandwidth to pay attention. You don’t have this goal of being able to take your blinders off to pay attention, pay attention, and you’re so myopically focused. You’re so focused on one thing and achieving one goal that it’s pretty challenging to get out from under that and then add to it that you know, you sit and stare at a computer for a long time and your eyes, your actual eyes tend to only be able to see to a certain degree left and right, so the peripheral vision even goes away. So all of these stressors, you know, diminish life. You watch a ton of stressful movies and you’re going to be stressed. You watch a ton of news, you’re going to be stressed. I used to love the news before my husband left the planet. I was addicted to every channel of the news. I don’t know what it was about, but I needed to know stuff.
And all of these things contribute to stress. Not to mention your own business or striving to that next level and really, really making that dent in difference in your world. And the fascinating thing is you end up toxifying your liver or you end up toxifying your stomach. One of the largest selling drugs on the planet is probably low sick and that’s for the stomach and that’s about just so where is it that you’re stressed and you’re not paying attention, you can’t pay attention, you don’t have the bandwidth to pay attention. So one of the ways that I distressed is yeah, I had to get sick and lay on my sofa and learn to heal myself, which is learning about energy and that’s super cool. That is super cool. We teach that school for that. I bring that into the business realm. I teach you how to accelerate your business using energetics that I had been using, but the point of it is what can you do right now?
What can you do right now that is going to get you unstressed and yeah, if you could go and take your shoes off and walk in the park and and all of these cutesy little things. However, there is one thing that is at your fingertips. No matter where you are, no matter what you’re doing, if you’re driving, no matter what’s happening in your world, and it’s about cutting the courts. Now I have a video series called free kickstarter.com, and cutting the cords is in there, but effectively it’s about taking your hand and cutting the cord and it, this little video actually takes you into how to do that, why to do that, when to do that. And really the benefits of continuously doing that. So where were you transcend stress today. What will you take your blinders off from? This is stressful because there are a lot of them.
There are a lot of external stressors. What is happening on the outside is a result of what you have been doing on the inside. So let’s learn to cut the cord and transcend that. Take the lowest vibration to a higher vibration which allows you to see more, uh, in your peripheral vision, but also see more ability being more creative. So today’s video is a little longer than usual, but this is Sheevaun driving for your success. And I invite you to transcend your staff’s. If you’re watching this anywhere other than on my website, go to www.SheevaunMoran.com because eggs and stress less.
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EP 184: Stop This From Crushing Your Dream