Ep 338: Visualize for Success

Everyone Sheevaun Moran here and I’m Driving For Your Success and whether you’re joining me for the first time or you’re wondering what the heck is Driving For Your Success about…  it’s a podcast because it’s short, why is it so short?  All these things and my unique ability are helping people really dial in the things that they need to work on next. I have this super Spidey high fluting, you know, magical skill helping people get direct success and it’s kind of like waving a magic wand is what my clients tell me even friends and so driving for success is some of the things and topics and ideas that are going to get you going in the right direction. So today’s topic is about visualizing properly and visualizing in the right direction. So what’s the right direction? Most people actually visualize in the wrong direction they look at their bank account they look at the problem they look at the thing that they’re in and they don’t know how to look beyond it. Visualization is not something that is common and easy for everybody. Not everybody has the ability to visualize some people are more uh touchy Fey some people are more oriented to writing some people are more oriented to speaking and processing everybody has their own unique way but visualizing is about saying I am here owning that you are here wherever you are and not pretending key thing not pretending that it is the only way it’s ever going to be that you’re stuck and this is all you get and there’s no more and that’s it and the visualizing or however you process is to really take that next step now taking that next step you may not know however one of the key fun ways to visualize in quotes is to know that you want to be in a different place. So you’re in a negative spin a negative spiral we say cut the chords if you want one of those you can check one of the videos out earlier and uh if you want to be in another space income solution wise etc. I suggest that your mind leap to that next place just for hot second. Not like you’re magically going to be there uh because we don’t do that very well that magical thing because then we have this magical idea that it should have already happened and then we get into all of these I didn’t and it isn’t working Etc so visualize where you want to be and not the furthest place of where you want to be just maybe on on the other side I call it the other Shore and uh and start from that so where most people visualize or start is they start from where the problem is they need to figure out what the problem is and why the problem happened and more about the wise and the where and the hows and what’s wrong and and all of the digging into the problem listen if you dig into the problem you’re only visualizing into the problem and you’re actually visualizing more problem and then you get stuck and then you get stag and then you get Frozen. Maybe you know what I’m talking about I know a lot of people do and it happens it’s normal and the key thing is let’s imagine yourself taking a boat you’re going to the other Shore just the next Shore not the furthest Shore because that just is too daunting for our brains to even grasp that it’s possible uh and so uh that next Shore could be an income goal it could be a physical goal it could be you know whatever that next next Shore’s goal is. I hope this was useful because the thing where I see people doing the most damage in where they’re getting or not getting success is visualizing the problem looking more at the problem seeing more of the problem when you actually see the need to see and Seed into the opportunity keep seeding into the opportunity maybe it hasn’t happened yet but it can so long as you keep visualizing and seeing into the next step and the opportunity and say Yes more y’all hey if this is valuable you know what to do share like comment send us an email send it to [email protected] and go to SheevaunMoran.com or maybe join us at one of our Live Events EpicLifeSuccessSummit.com.  Hey have an awesome day and visualize well!


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