Ah… to expect is to be certain of disappointment, that is what most people will tell you. The reason they tell you this is because their own life is filled with missed or near missed opportunities, so they think that you’re like them.

Don’t be like them.
Let’s turn expectation on its head today.
You can have a lifetime of piled on expectations, because you need to feel liked or loved, but overall it’s about people pleasing. We all want some sort of recognition, but often times we aren’t coming into that arena free and clear of the ability to allow people to like and love us for who we really are.
First, stop expecting others to be like you. They are not. It’s a huge relief that they are not like us. BUT… we must remember that we have something they do not and vice versa.
Second, expect miracles so that they become the norm rather than the exception. Miracles are normal but, we’ve become jaded and forget they are possible.
Third, do not wish for everyone to agree with you. They need to express themselves and be themselves. Agreeing with you for the sake of agreement is dangerous. Begin to cultivate your own thought processes and learn to be a better communicator.
Fourth, people need to learn to be independent, but they’ve been taught to be fully dependent. School teaches this, jobs teach this and relationships can often teach this. To be independent is to be more fully loving and expressed. It will give you the ability to make powerful choices and decisions and not try to get everyone’s opinion, which can be exhausting and confusing.
Fifth, we have been given the power to contribute, yet we hoard and expect things for free. Begin to give of yourself, your time, your money, your love, your caring and compassion, your intellect and your attention. You will be rewarded greatly.
Sixth, be the best YOU, you know how and get a mentor. One who will kick your butt and call you on your nonsense. Those types of mentors allow you to grow faster and succeed that much more effortlessly.
Enjoy expectations more and more. You’ll find that you expect the good and when something doesn’t go your way, you’ll discover that you just keep moving ahead.
Get access to more clarity and success.
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Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!