You have not because you asked not…
The end of the year is a time that is historically marked by personal reflection. Despite the emphasis on big parties on New Year’s Eve, the close of the year is the perfect time to take stock of your current reality.
It is also the perfect time to ask yourself, “What do I really want from life in the new year?”
An even more important question to ask yourself is, “What is holding me back from the life I want to live?”
You will need to set aside some time for quiet reflection. That might seems like a daunting task because the holiday season tends to be anything but relaxing. For most people, this season is the busiest and filled with stress. It is therefore all the more important to carve out some time to yourself. Follow these steps to set your intention for the new year:

Set The Atmosphere
Create an atmosphere that is conducive to positive self-reflection. This is not the time to listen to soft, romantic music that makes you feel nostalgic. Pick a song that puts you in a positive frame of mind. You need to be hopeful and optimistic. Music can affect your mood, so pick the right soundtrack to go with the positive intentions of your big expectations.
Dream Big(ger)
What is the limit of your dreams? Write down a series of statements that would describe your ideal future self in the next year.
Now, invite yourself to dream a little bigger and stretch those statements.
For example, “I am earning $x every month” could be stretched to, “I am earning $xyz, saving $x and investing $y every month.“
Dream Broader
It is easy to talk about money, ideal weight and relationship status when change is concerned. We often forget to include the broader range of experiences that could make our life richer.
How about time off from work? Or a holiday that you have long dreamed about? What about that pet project that you shelved because of other commitments?
What makes you happy?
You might have to start by making a list of things that make you unhappy first. Then design a life that fulfills you by removing these elements that make you unhappy.
Believe You Are Worth It
Remember, if you haven’t asked – you only have yourself to blame.
Do you believe that you are worth what you are asking for? A lack of belief in yourself and your abilities to handle the changes will hold you back. Remind yourself of past milestones in your life. You were made for bigger dreams but you also have to believe that you deserve better.
The Universe is waiting for you to step up and show faith and responsibility for bigger, broader dreams.
Sheevaun Moran is a business advisor, master coach, quantum energy thought leader and the founder of Energetic Solutions. She uses business principles with energetic techniques to help more than 25,000 entrepreneurs, CEOs and leaders bring instant focus and shifts to clarity, purpose, and profits.
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