How to Improve Your Relationship With Money Starting Right Now

Money is important, but it shouldn't control your life.
Money is important, but it shouldn’t control your life.

You love it, you hate it. It makes you happy, it makes you crazy. Money—and your relationship with it—is a funny thing. But is money controlling your life? Is it preventing you from reaching your true potential emotionally and psychologically? If so, here are some tips on how to improve your relationship with money suggested by Forbes.

Prioritize It

Money is important. While it doesn’t buy happiness, it certainly does provide for a way to you care for yourself, your family, and attain some of the things you want in life. If you’re just throwing away money left and right on junk, take time to prioritize your spending.

Stop Blaming It

If your life isn’t where you want it to be, stop blaming money for it. You are in control of your own life. No one else – especially not cash. Money is not the reason that you are feeling down; your own perceptions are.

Forgive and Forget

Yes, you should absolutely prioritize money. But you should also forgive yourself in the event that you make a financial faux pas. Live and learn, and move on. There will be more opportunities in the future –don’t hold a bad purchase over your head forever.

A success coach and financial mentor can help you to learn more about good money habits.

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