Hey everyone, how are you today? This is Sheevaun Moran and today I want to talk about Epic and Unleash and Breaking Free and all of the places that really, you know, have you kind of doing the same thing again and again and again. Stepping out, dipping your toe, maybe just your toenail and then falling back. And Cortez, who discovered South America, once they landed, he had all of his people burn the ships so that they couldn’t try to run away and run back because they didn’t know the territory they were going into. And sometimes you just have to burn the ships! And you have to burn the ships, gosh, and it doesn’t feel good, it feels uncomfortable. You feel uncertain, you feel lost, you feel alone, and then you feel like you got to do it all by yourself.
So when you want to break free, it’s really about getting that leg up, getting that next guidance along the journey, and really learning what that inner critic is so you can get out of that way that you’re putting into your path. So here’s what my invitation is to you. We have an event coming up called Epic Life Success Summit, this time it’s about Energetic Solutions. Energetic Solutions is really about getting your energetics, your inner energetics, and your outer energetics going in the same direction. Because generally we have one thing that could be going one degree off when we’re going in the right direction, but it’s one degree off. And we’re going to miss our mark. We’re going to miss that alignment. So my invitation to you is to click the button on this page and give yourself the opportunity to actually get on a live call.
Yes, a live call! And really explore if this is something for you. It’s in Huntington Beach and it’s by the beach. We’re going to do yoga on the beach in the morning. We’re going to do some other fun amazing things that are going to help you break free. And as always, my events are interactive, they’re engaging, and I will have coached every single person in the room. Yeah, absolutely! Every single person! I have a soul’s commitment to get as many souls lit up and on their purpose, in their passion, doing what you’re here to do. And so that’s my commitment to you. There’s a button on this page and you’re going to want to click it. And you’re going to want to say yes just to see if it’s a fit. See if you can break free. Maybe you don’t have to burn all of the ships at this point to but let’s find out. All right. Hey, my name is Sheevaun Moran and I can’t wait to find out how Epic you want your life to be and get you to break free! Big Hugs! Talk soon!
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For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at http://sheevaunmoran.com. Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit HERE. Remember that energy is within you…let it shine today!
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Remember that energy is where the real you shiney and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!